UA-122669068-1 The Divide | DancingPenguinStudio
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The Divide

In a pivotal epoch of galactic history, "The Divide" marked the moment the UEC and SDEC's united front fractured. Stemming from deep ideological rifts, this event saw the collaborative might of the United Earths Coalition and the Sagittarius Defense & Expansion Collective part ways. This schism reshaped interstellar politics, trade, and alliances for generations.


The Divide

In a pivotal epoch of galactic history, "The Divide" marked the moment the UEC and SDEC's united front fractured. Stemming from deep ideological rifts, this event saw the collaborative might of the United Earths Coalition and the Sagittarius Defense & Expansion Collective part ways. This schism reshaped interstellar politics, trade, and alliances for generations.

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